Monday, November 26, 2012

Dödens Själ

 Name:  Dödens Själ

Nickname:  Den

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Doll Name: Himlens Ljus

Personality:  Her personality is a bit split. She wears a mask with an enchantment on it. Without the mask, her true nature is revealed. She is psychotic and extremely sadistic. She revels in others pain, always finding the slowest and most painful way to kill her victims. She has a severe addiction to human flesh, it has the same affect on her as alcohol has on humans. When the mask is off she communicates primarily in primal screams and shrieks with occasional crazed laughter. She speaks words sometimes if the insanity hasn't taken over her mind. Occasionally during one of these times, a bit of her memory and sanity comes through and she remembers who she is. Distraught with what she has become she goes on a rampage against herself, harming herself in the process. During these times the most guttural and primal screams come from her lungs. With the mask on, however, she is an entirely different person. She is rather calm with insanity tugging at the corners of her being. She is able to communicate on a normal level using words and her  hunger for human flesh is suppressed. She is still rather sadistic and enjoys killing, but not quite to the level that is expressed when she removes her mask. She feels unable to love since she considers herself a monster. Usually a loner, she is rather awkward around other beings.

Doll's Personality: Himlens is rather calm. She is collected. She is kind but borderline selfish. Most of what she does is in her and Dödens' interest. She is more of the brain of the pair. She doesn't say much, mostly just lulls in Dödens's arms. Occasionally she will sit on her shoulder to relieve Dödens of having to carry her. The slightest bits of insanity tug at the corners of her mind. She has more control over Dödens than anyone. The only time she loses control is when her mask comes off. Extremely manipulative, she has managed to manipulate others to her will, while coming off sweet and kind in the process.

Likes:  -Blood
-Pain from others
-Human flesh
-The dark

Dislikes: -The light
-People who try to control her

Quotes: "Oh this will be so much fun! For me at least"

"Blood and guts, blood and guts and tasty, tasty human flesh!"

"Rip the flesh! Salt the wound!"d


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