Monday, November 26, 2012

Scarlet VanSlyke

Name: Scarlet VanSlyke

Race: ½ Angel ½ Human

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Hair Color: Scarlet Red

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 119 lbs

Appearance: Average height but a bit skinny. Her scarlet hair is long and very shiny and healthy, it is about waist length. Her eyes are large and emerald green and framed with naturally thick eyelashes.  She normally wears medium dark brown eyeshadow with a thin line of black eyeliner and dark pink lipstick. Specifically Clinique's shade Chianti. Light freckles dot her pale cheeks, and there is always as slight pink flush to her cheeks. Her nose on the left side is pierced with a small white gold and diamond stud. Her ears are pierced, three ear rings on each ear lobe, and two rings on the top of her right ear. Her navel is also pierced with a  rose piercing. On her left shoulder, she has a tattoo of roses and vines that spreads across her back to her right shoulder. The tattoo winds down her spine and stops on her lower back. On her right hip she has a birthmark where the skin is a few shades lighter and it is in the shape of a wing. Her features are naturally soft and it makes her appear innocent and graceful. Her wardrobe is a mix of prep, punk and goth, essentially, edgy.

History: Born to a human mother and an angel father. The angel Mikeal came down to Earth from the Realm of the Gods on a mission. While roaming around trying to find the target of the mission in which he was employed, he met Cecelia VanSlyke. They fell maddeningly in love. Mikeal whole heartedly neglected his duties and stayed with Cecelia. When she became pregnant, they both panicked. They knew the Gods would be outraged and they had never heard of a half angel child before. When the Gods found out they were entirely outraged. On first instinct they wanted to abort the baby. After a huge amount of resistance from Mikeal and Cecelia, it was agreed that they could keep the baby. The condition was, though, that Mikeal would not be allowed to stay or see the child. He was only allowed to stay until the baby was born. Heartbroken, Mikeal and Cecelia spent as much time as they could together in those nine month. He helped set up the nursery and get a proper home for Cecelia. Scarlet VanSlyke was born a healthy, normal looking baby. Soon after she was born, Mikeal was sent away and forbidden to see the child.
Scarlet has lived a normal life in Tucson, Arizona with her mother. She was told that her father left when she was young. Brilliant, she was always an honor student in school and always had at least a small group of friends. To this day she does not know her her father is or that she is half angel.

Personality: She is a rather sweet person. Kind hearted and rather quiet. She usually keeps to herself. Rather brilliant, she passes quite a bit of her time listening to music, reading and writing. She enjoys school and likes to learn. She does have her quirks, like blushing easily, and stumbling over words when she gets nervous. Rather caring, she becomes protective over those she cares about and can  be a bit jealous. A hidden fiery side, she can be short tempered if you get on her nerves. Normally she won't turn down a fight if she is challenged, but she doesn't give people a reason to challenge her. She is extremely loyal and it can be her downfall at times.

Personality: She is a rather sweet person. Always kind to others and offering help when she can. Kind hearted and rather quiet. Normally she keeps to herself. Rather brilliant, she passes quite a bit of her time in the library reading, writing and listening to music. She enjoys school and always has, always loving to learn new things and explore new options. She does have her quirks, like blushing easy and stumbling over words when she gets nervous. Rather caring, she does become overprotective over those who she care about and she can get a bit jealous. She does carry a hidden fiery side. She can be extremely short tempered if you get on her nerves. Normally, she won't turn down a fight, but she doesn't intentionally give people a reason to challenge her. She is very vengeful, she is not the kind of person you want to cross. She is not above doing whatever it takes to get her revenge. She is extremely loyal, and at times it can be her downfall.

Weakness: Water, Darkness, Scythes, Bow and Arrow

Weapons: A dagger, a sword, a knife and a Browning 9mm

Abilities: Able to move earth, air and fire with some concentration

Auto-Abilities: Enhanced hearing

Element: Fire, Earth, Air

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